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Effective ticketing supplier reference checks

ReWork reference check advice

Effective ticketing supplier reference checks

Timing is key to ticketing supplier references checks during procurement

Time is a commodity we are all short of. Yet, cutting corners in reference checks during ticketing procurement can lead to ill-informed choices.

Choosing the wrong supplier, can mean more time unpicking issues down the line.

Ensure your reference checks occur at key stages of the procurement process, not only at the end.

It will save you time in the long run.

Experience the whole user journey not only the online ticketing flow

If a supplier has 100 clients, what are you hoping to gain from asking 2 of their clients for feedback?

It’d be similar to using one guest satisfaction channel to give you an exact reading of your attraction’s performance.

If you rely on this system alone, is it a true gauge of the service you’re providing?

Site visits and reference checks will support effective discussions during demonstrations.

Put your customer hat on and go test the solution.

What did you learn?

How can you use that information to create an effective discussion with the supplier?

Need a broader view of ticketing supplier performance?

As independent ticketing consultants ReWork has a unique view of the supplier market.

It’s our continuous engagement in this sector that puts us in the best position to advise you.

The best ticketing partnerships are ones that have an open and honest dialogue. This should result in client feedback that mirrors what suppliers tell you.

Top 10 ReWork reference questions;

  1. Are you aware of the supplier’s company values?
    • Are these delivered in the reality of working with them? –  examples?
  2. What’s the team structure of the company
    • What’s the turnover of staff?
  3. What’s the ratio of support/client relationship team members to clients?
    • How does this impact your attraction?
  4. What’s the job function of the support/account management team members
    • How are they reviewed against these objectives?
  5. What are the support KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)?
    • How do they benchmark the results?
  6. What are the supplier’s plans for growth v retaining clients?
  7. What proactive steps does the company take to support the partnership?
  8. What’s the development roadmap process?
    • How many development staff work on the product for your market?
    • How does this compare to other suppliers?
  9. What would be your main reasons for renewing your contract?
  10. Would you recommend them based on their performance?

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