Is the Ticketing Procurement Process Broken?
Earlier this year Kelly Moleson, the host of Skip The Queue Podcast caught up with our founder Sarah Bagg to
The cost of ambiguity in tech procurement!
From creating a clear brief, and articulating requirements to communicating your objectives, the ticketing and technology procurement process can be
The benefits of investing in tech partnerships
People talk about a ‘partnership approach’ but what does it actually mean in reality? And why does it matter? If you can
ReWard and Recognition
Whether it’s at home or at work, being recognised for the work will always create a positive springboard It makes us
Top Tips for Planning Succesful Software Demonstrations
Ticketing consultants guide to software demonstrations Whether you’re a supplier presenting your software or an operator looking to choose a new
The Business of asking Smarter Questions
What makes a good question? How good are we at asking smarter questions in business? Questions that sparked lots of interesting
What technology do you need?
Collating your ticketing/epos/CRM requirements can seem like a daunting task, but it's an incredibly powerful tool to get the most
Business Processes and Perspectives
ReWork Consulting Having an independent ticketing, epos, membership, and CRM consultant involved in your procurement project can be invaluable. Having a fresh
The Need for a Ticketing Review
As a visitor attraction, you want to ensure your visitors have the best experience possible. But how do you know if
Effective ticketing supplier reference checks
Timing is key to ticketing supplier references checks during procurement Time is a commodity we are all short of. Yet, cutting